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Euro Mineral Expo Scandicci Firenze 2023
3B Minerals is present with its own collection.
Euro Mineral Expo Scandicci Firenze 2023
Il 3B Minerals è presente con la propria collezione.
Hi guys we are in Tokyo International Mineral Fair 2022 with a truly exceptional lot of minerals. Our stand is c/o Zoic our partner!
⏰ Program:
27 – 28 -29 -30 MAY 2022
web site:
We are happy to present the article we wrote in the Mineralogical Magazine on this historic find 50 years ago, which represents a unicum in international mineralogy.
Siamo felici di presentare l’articolo che abbiamo scritto sulla Rivista Mineralogica su questo storico ritrovamento ormai di 50 anni fa, che rappresenta un unicum nella mineralogia internazionale.
Visita la pagina
Hi guys we are in Torino Mineral Show with a truly exceptional lot of minerals from Iran and Bosnia. Our stand is c/o Zoic our partner!
⏰ Program:
2-3-4 October 2020
Friday: from 9:00 to 19:00 (last admission time: 18:00)
Saturday: from 9:00 to 19:00 (last admission time: 18:00)
Sunday: from 9:00 to 19:00 (last admission time: 18:00)
#3bminerals #dinosaures #fòssils #minerals #meteorits #geologia #Chelotryton #Paradoxus #Rhodocrosite #Blenda #Barasaurus #Besairiei #Kutnahorite #Aragonite #Dioptase #PietraPaesina #Expominer
Today begins the new edition of #Expominer! We will be waiting for you with our stand along with 110 other exhibitors. We are waiting!
📍 @ FiradeBarcelona on the Montjuïc site in Barcelona
⏰ Program:
November 8 and 9, from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
November 10, from 10 to 20
#3BMinerals #dinosaure # fòssils #minerals #meteorits #geologia #Chelotryton #Paradoxus #Rococrosite #Blenda #Barasaurus #Besairiei #Kutnahorite #Aragonite #Dioptase #PietraPaesina #Expominer
Mineral Exhibition Rome – 1 e 2 Dicembre 2018
3B Minerals is present with its own collection at the table of Zoic srl at Stand number 2.
Mostra di Minerali Roma 2018
Il 3B Minerals è presente con la propria collezione al tavolo di Zoic srl presso lo stand 2 .
The “Scaly-Clays Complex” is the prevailing rock formation in the section of the Appennines between Emilia and Tuscany, but many different kinds of alloctonous rocks may be observed there; ophiolites are frequent and, among them, the so-ca/led “Green Rocks” (gabbros, diabases, serpentinites). They are chaotically and accidentally embedded in the clastic sedimentary clays; probably originated by intensive submarine volcanic activity between Corsica and Tuscany, they were fragmented and moved along the Appennines by orogeny between Cretaceous and Pliocene.
For those mineral collectors who visited the Cetine di Cotorniano mine since young age, the finding of a “gypsum flower” specimen constitutes much more than a simple wish. This nightmare was driven by the picture of an old specimen stored in the mineral collection of the Natural History Museum of Genova and published on the “Guida ai Minerali”. The extreme difference between that specimen and those found after the closure of mine workings at Le Cetine di Cotorniano gave rise to a myth about “gypsum flowers”.
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